Made With Love: Our NEW Cupid's Kiss Collar & Studs Are Here! ❤️

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"Love should be like breathing. It should be just a quality in you—wherever you are, with whomsoever you are, or even if you are alone, love goes on overflowing from you. It is not a question of being in love with someone—it is a question of being love."
– Osho
We're celebrating this Valentine's Day by adding two NEW pieces to our Cupid's Kiss collection handmade with love of course!
Sweet, understated, lovely
Our adjustable Cupid's Kiss collar comes in sterling silver and brass. Perfect on its own or for layering.
Cupid's Kiss collar in sterling silver.
Cupid's Kiss collar in brass.
Double the love
The perfect little companion: our Cupid's Kiss studs.
Cupid's Kiss studs in sterling silver.
Cupid's Kiss studs in brass.
Cupid's Kiss favourites
The adjustable Cupid's Kiss rings and bracelets are a Saraswati staple. Share the love!
Cupid's Kiss ring in brass (index finger).
Great for stacking or lovely on its own: the Cupid's Kiss bracelet is adjustable and comes in brass and sterling silver.